General Physics Interview Questions
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Why is diamond cut to make if brilliant ?

1 2779

Why ate the mirage effects produced over hot deserts ?

1 3218

Why is the apparent altitude of a star increased by reflection in atmosphere ?

1 2583

Why objects having inverted in the air ate seen in very cold regions ?

1 2547

At what temperature does the filament of electric bulb glows ?

4 5919

How is A.C. converted into D.C ?

5 5901

How will it be possible to kindle fire, if we had no matches ?

1 2797

How can it be proved that the window glass id colored ?

1 2441

When the seas freeze in-winter, the fish never die why?

1 3307

How does barometer forecast the weather ?

1 2776

How can the presence of an element in a distant star detected ?

2 4046

How does the electricity travel ?

9 11626

What is the normal temperature of the human body ?

3 4689

What is the normal pulse beat of a human body?

6 15916

What is horse-power ?

2 3588

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Un-Answered Questions { General Physics }

In radio transmission, what does the acronym am stand for?


What is the pitch?


What is the rectilinear propagation of light?


Explain planck’s hypothesis? : quantum physics


Why is mercury used in thermometers rather than water?


What affect does electricity have on soil?


I’ve heard that in quantum physics a lot of fancy mathematical objects like hilbert spaces are used, and that in particular, measurable quantities are described by self-adjoint operators. Are these things related to what you have just explained? : quantum physics


what is use of physics in banking ? why we hire you as you are graduated in physics honours?


What is different between secondary electron image and back scattered electron image?


Explain what is an alloy?


What is the difference between isolation transformers and step up or step down transformer?


Explain the balanced field takeoff?


Tell me what type(amount) of capacitors are used in fan?


the time period of three pendulums are given in a sequence as a= 1.27s b=0.85s c=0.99s the given sequence may not be correct arrange the time period in a correct sequence


What is astrophysics?