C Code Interview Questions
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#include main() { char s[]={'a','b','c','\n','c','\0'}; char *p,*str,*str1; p=&s[3]; str=p; str1=s; printf("%d",++*p + ++*str1-32); }

1 4004

#include main() { int a[2][2][2] = { {10,2,3,4}, {5,6,7,8} }; int *p,*q; p=&a[2][2][2]; *q=***a; printf("%d----%d",*p,*q); }

1 4791

#include main() { struct xx { int x=3; char name[]="hello"; }; struct xx *s; printf("%d",s->x); printf("%s",s->name); }


3 14241

#include main() { struct xx { int x; struct yy { char s; struct xx *p; }; struct yy *q; }; }

1 4892

main() { printf("\nab"); printf("\bsi"); printf("\rha"); }

3 30598

main() { int i=5; printf("%d%d%d%d%d%d",i++,i--,++i,--i,i); }

7 49062

#define square(x) x*x main() { int i; i = 64/square(4); printf("%d",i); }

Google, HCL, Quick Heal, WTF,

4 35299

main() { char *p="hai friends",*p1; p1=p; while(*p!='\0') ++*p++; printf("%s %s",p,p1); }

3 13097

#include #define a 10 main() { #define a 50 printf("%d",a); }

2 16036

#define clrscr() 100 main() { clrscr(); printf("%d\n",clrscr()); }

2 18267

main() { 41printf("%p",main); }8

1 4999

main() { clrscr(); } clrscr();

2 4032

enum colors {BLACK,BLUE,GREEN} main() { printf("%d..%d..%d",BLACK,BLUE,GREEN); return(1); }

2 6643

void main() { char far *farther,*farthest; printf("%d..%d",sizeof(farther),sizeof(farthest)); }

2 7366

main() { int i=400,j=300; printf("%d..%d"); }

3 5855

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Un-Answered Questions { C Code }

how to create a 3x3 two dimensional array that will give you the sums on the left and bottom columns


why do you use macros? Explain a situation where you had to incorporate macros in your proc report? use a simple instream data example with code ?


Write a program to model an exploding firecracker in the xy plane using a particle system


Sir... please give some important coding questions asked by product companies..


Cluster head selection in Wireless Sensor Network using C programming language.


What is the difference between proc means and proc tabulate ? explain with a simple example when you have to use means or tabulate?


write a function to give demostrate the functionality of 3d in 1d. function prototye: change(int value,int indexX,int indexY,int indexZ, int [] 1dArray); value=what is the date; indexX=x-asix indexY=y-axis indexZ=z-axis and 1dArray=in which and where the value is stored??


Develop a routine to reflect an object about an arbitrarily selected plane


how to test pierrot divisor


Write a routine to implement the polymarker function


Hi, i have a project that the teacher want a pyramid of numbers in C# or java...when we click a button...the pyramid should be generated in a listbox/or JtextArea...and the pyramid should have the folowing form: 1 232 34543 4567654 567898765 67890109876 7890123210987 890123454321098 90123456765432109 0123456789876543210 Plz help with codes...didn't find anything on the net.


How can you relate the function with the structure? Explain with an appropriate example.


How do you verify if the two sentences/phrases input is an anagram using predefined functions in string.h and by using arrays?


Given a spherical surface, write bump-mapping procedure to generate the bumpy surface of an orange


write a program for area of circumference of shapes