Manual Testing Interview Questions
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which module ur following in ur company?

5 6994

what is bug tracebility matrix and it's formet?

2 11064

what is requirement tracebility and it's format

5 7358

wat is the diffrence b/n dyanamic blackbox testing and static black box testing.and which one is better


5 17718

prepare test cases for file copy paste.

Approva, MSEB,

6 24785

What is Testcase? How to define seviority and priority of a bug?Explain me with example?

8 12450

what is "test strategy"?

4 7127

what are the exact testing types you involved when testing the webapplication testing and clent server application testing?have u find differene interms of testig?


3 6488

what is black phase in SDLC

4 8190

Give me examples for high severity and low priority defects?

3 6941

What is gamma testing?

4 11549

Hai all can anyone tell me wat is the diff betn Build and version and is there any file extenction for build and version if so wat is it..And How to deploy the build and version for development or testing.. Cheers,


1 4727

When we will do Retesting? Only after Bug fixation?Is there any other case?


8 13997

how The engineer communicates wiht T.L as well as test manager, In wich situation this type of i mean serious commnication takes place(give me one real time example).and how the interaction will takes place between tester and client can anybody plz clatify me.


2 6540

How to prepare Test data?


9 14712

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Un-Answered Questions { Manual Testing }

What are the Major Functionality for a ATM machine ??


Hi Friends, I've to submit a presentation in my office about "Different bug tracking tools" ? Where can i find (or any site) the templates for the bug tracking tools.


1. Give me an example of something you tried at work but did not work out so you had to go at things another way. can somebody give a real time example


How will you set the Dependency in the Quality center? Say if you will fail a test case and two or more test cases are dependent on that particular test case. In this case how will you handle in failing the test case.


What is the first test in software testing process?


What are cookies?


During alpha testing why customer people are invited?


I have interview on Guide wire testing. If you please share me.


What are the benefits of requirement traceability?


could anyone explain application testing in sequence order i don't have any experience in that


What is Windows Test Technologies? Where i will get all information of it.


can any one post the format of tracebility martrix Plz...... Maid Id:


What is a defect?


1) Difference between "Delete" and "Concatenate" with reference to databases? 2) Difference between SDLC and STLC. 3) Latest versions of the browsers used. 4) What is URL Tampering? 5) Full form of URL. I don't need the answers. These are just for reference.


Define Stability, Scalability and reliability with example ?