Manual Testing Interview Questions
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What is bug release notes? ....What does Bug release notes contain?

2 6742

what is work break down structure?

1 4410

how to write bugtitle and bug description for 1*1=2 2*2=4 3*3=10 4*4=16 5*5=26.give me the full format.

2 4985

How to arrive Testcase? and how to write testcase for email address? please any one of the write answer send my id


1 9023

Why white box testing techniques are also called as clear and glass box testing teschniques?


12 19402

In Testing why We need to Write Testcases compalsarly.


19 21132

In Testing What Type of Defects your finding


7 10280

What are the technics used for writing a test cases


4 10481

what are the examples for web based applications and Client Server Applications

ASD Lab, CFCI, College School Exams Tests, GXS,

5 40206

is it possible web application make it as executable file


wat is the format of the build (the testers) get from dovelopers?

4 6076

how will we receive the build?is it through mail or not?

5 7639

in our company we are not having any conformation management tools so, how will we follow or manage the change request from the client?

1 3489

waht is the quality in your company?

5 7257

what is the architecture for your project?

3 16859

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Un-Answered Questions { Manual Testing }

What are microsoft 6 rules?


how to test the case with 5 combination and inputs


What are the properties of a good requirement?


What types of testing is specifically important for web testing?


how to create automation frame work ?


Can any one share the domain knwoldege of Telecom Jeeva


can somebody plz tel me about financial domain for manual tester?? which kind of application use and what is the approach of testing??


How to write test case for view the table(i.e it is already stored in database and see the content in the table)


what is the common in all s.o.p (standaed operating procedure)?


what is the technical challange you faced in your module.please ans me the question i just want example can me any example please very important


Can any one suggest how to write the bug reports effectively by optimizing what we want to describe?


Write the 10 high test cases for making video call/face time


What is difference in between operating system 2000 and os xp?


1.Enlist the types of testing performed for any window in sequence? 2.Use of edit_get_list function 3.Accuracy & Precision


Negatives test cases of gmail login page With its severity , priority and expected results columns Through test case template-oodles technologies gurgoan