hi this is satish can some one help me out by sending the maxium notes on client sesrver ,web server and company architechture project hirearchy and company hirearchy i will happy to recive the answers as early as possible
1911What is PLC testing? since there are job openings in this area Please let me know what it mean and some more related information.
2 12838If we have no SRS,BRS but we have test cases does u execute the test cases blindly or do u follow any other process|
4 12555Post New Manual Testing Questions
is it possible web application make it as executable file
Can you please provide me the standard testcase review templete and Test plan templete.In my company we are not following any Standards templete so.Please guve me some Excell attachments.
write 5 critical test cases on product payment form on flipkart.com?
What are the main key components in web applications and client and server applications? And explain the differences between them?
Hi could some one please send me the testplan testcases(for 2Modules) and testscripts for mercry fliht aplication or gmail. please write those on templates and send me.In testplan plase write Testobjective, test scope, est approach, exlusions assumptios.
Can anyone write test cases on google account creation page in the testing template format , urgent pls and explain if possible how to execute also
What is middle ware testing?? what are the companies using this tech?
How will you do beta testing?
What type bugs you will find in integration testing with example?
What is testing and maintenance?
Explain Single View Testing ?
What are the bussiness scenories?
What are the benefits of requirement traceability?
What do you mean by Cause Effect Graphing? in which standard its mentioned?
hi experts, i was asked to write down the requirement description,test scenario, and test cases for gmail login and send email and then to check the email was sent in the sent mails.the format given to me was like this: Req ID, Req description, Test Scenario, Test cases....Can anybody please help me out with this..