Manual Testing Interview Questions
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define Testing of Procedure, Triggers and Functions in data base testing ?

CSS, Hexaware,


can anyone help me regarding testing patterns?


In interview,always they ask..WHAT TYPE OF BUGS U FOUND IN UR PROJECT? I hv completed testing course and preparing for interview..can u please send me the answers as earlier as possible thanks in advance..Help me out please.......

1 4507

In Risk, What is the difference between mitigation and contigency plan in risk.

1 5150

What is Risk anlaysis in software testing?

2 5485

What is Guerrilla Testing?

3 7614

What is mean by sdlc and expalin spiral model and proto type model?


1 9072

What's the difference between Load and Stress testing ?


4 7551

As a manual tester what will do from day one getting the project and till signoff?

1 5162

When we enter valid user ID and passwords and unable to login then what do we test more


10 12237

Hi friends, Is there any difference in testing the web applications which are built on different technologies like .NET,PHP,J2ee etc ?if yes then how the testing differes from one to other?(for me its urgent to know the diff. btn .net and php).can anybody answer soon....!


3 4834

1. fault based testing is reversed of which testing? option.1 conventional software testing Option 2Operations and classes that are critical or suspect Option 3 Use-case validation Option 4White-box testing of operator algorithms 2. Testing OO class operations is made more difficult by Option 1 Encapsulation Option 2 Inheritance Option 3 Polymorphism Option 4 Both Inheritance and Polymorphism 3. Which of these techniques is not useful for partition testing at the class level Option 1 attribute-based partitioning Option 2 category-based partitioning Option 3 equivalence class partitioning Option 4 state-based partitioning 4.Client/server architectures cannot be properly tested because network load is highly variable. Option 1 true Option 2 false 5. Real-time applications add a new and potentially difficult element to the testing mix Option 1 performance Option 2 reliability Option 3 security Option 4 time 6.Which one is not key term used in internal control and security Option 1 Threat Option 2 Risk Control Option 3 Vulnerability Option 4 Exposure 7.Acceptance testing occurs only at the end point of the development process; it should be an ongoing activity that test both interim and final products. Option 1 true Option 2 false 8.Static testing requires...? Option 1 Binaries Option 2 Source code Option 3 Product Option 4 Executables 9.etesting is testing the application with multiple sets of data is called retesting Option 1 true Option 2 false


2 5976

i) functional test cases can we consider for regression test ? or we have to write separet test cases for regression test ? ii) How to write the system test case and what are the technique shall we have to follow ?


Is testing is done for ERP Products.?? like SAP R/3,If yes please send me a notes/Details. Thank you in advance

Ness Technologies,

1 3749

wat is da differnce between test stratagy and tedt plan?


4 7058

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Un-Answered Questions { Manual Testing }

1. Give me an example of something you tried at work but did not work out so you had to go at things another way. can somebody give a real time example


What are the benefits of requirement traceability?


9.Data – driver automation typically includes?


What are the interview question on insurance domain in manual testing


Can any one suggest how to write the bug reports effectively by optimizing what we want to describe?


Why you are selected software testing as career ?


When did u complete testing ? Which scenrio should not be in automation testing ? why ?


What is Test Design ?( Urgent) and Test Design for Printer?


Write the 10 high test cases for making video call/face time?? Write the test cases for credit card accessing the money transfer?? Write the test cases for file transfer from one user to other from Google Drive/drop box?


What is reverse engineering?


What is agile testing and why is it important?


What are the advantages of automation over manual testing?


What is Wound Fixing?


How do you scope out the size of the testing effort?


A form has four mandatory fields to be entered before you submit. How many numbers of test cases are required to verify this? And what are they?