Manual Testing Interview Questions
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5)which of the following is not the characteristics of well written Bug report? A)It describes a real defect in the product B)It describes the symptoms of the problem in terms of the behaviour of the system C)It contain a step by step procedure for reproducing the problem D)None

Mind Tree,

3 6398

6)If a project produces 1000 defects per 150 function points, then it is a: A)Baseline B)Benchmark C)Size D)None

Mind Tree,

6 12105

7)In a Banking Application, for a module to pay a bill it must have 3 screens (Entry, verification and confirmation screens) in series. It was found that at the final confirmation page the data was getting saved in the database but was not getting displayed on the screen. Which is the best suited category and severity of this defect? A)High severity Content issue B)Low severity Content issue C)High severity Data Loss D)Medium severity data loss

Mind Tree,

3 10494

8)What is the actual need for an alpha and beta testing? A)For the developers it is impossible to predict how the end user with really use the application B)Misinterpretation of instructions for using the software C)End users may use strange combinations of input data D)All the above

Mind Tree,

3 5861

What is compatibility testing? Is there any certification available for testing, like MCP etc..?

4 4477

What is the actions will be taken after preparing and reviewing test cases. Directly we will go for execution and how can we know the status of the application(whether the build is completed by unit testing).After unit testing completed, what are the next steps????

1 3229

what is sanity testing when do u start it


5 7108

What is diff between Load testing Stress testing?


5 6502

Hi,frnds. can any one tel me " is QUALITY CENTER & TEST DIRECTOR are same or different ? if different, pls tel me the difference.. its an question asked me in an interview.. pls tel me frnds


6 8418

hi all, this is ajay , what is adahochtesting ,what is differnce of loadrunner,winrunner

Synergy, TCS, Xtreme Solutions,

4 6108

please answer, What is the Gap Analysis?


3 11962

what is the chronological order in software testing


3 12714

Principles of testing?

4 5627

what are the Cs in testing


what is the role of test engineer while doing unit and integration testing. unit and integration testing is already done by developers


1 3279

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Un-Answered Questions { Manual Testing }

Write positive and negative test cases for forgot password?


What is Wound Fixing?


What is bug priority?


What is difference between Bug resolution meeting & Bug Review Committee? Who are participants?


How should validation activities be handled?


what are the prerequisite conditins to test clientserver and web applications


what is the diff. bw separate database testers and manual testers with sql knowledge guys... iam confusing so much ,,in cmpny database testers are not working on manual..? both positions are same are not? explian clesly with example? thank u


What are different types of verifications?


Is an "A fast database retrieval rate" a testable requirement?


In simple steps how will you do unit testing using VSTS?


How do you go about testing a project?


Plz give me manual testing real test case ?


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Functional and Integration test scenarios for actitime application


What are all the scenario for analytics 2.api 3.paypal