Manual Testing Interview Questions
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Describe any bug you remember. Plz Give some real examples

7 15006

at which movement we will perform varification testing & Validation Testing , with Example ??


7 9480

Testing will produce Bug Free Product 1 - Yes 2 - Sometime 3 - No 4 - None of above

5 6342

What is diference u get in Web based appln testing when compared to Windows based appln.

2 5263

wt r the types of testings r belongs to black box testing, wt r the types of testings r belongs to white box testing and wt r the types of testing r belongs to both.

4 6799

hi am new to testing please anyone suggest a text book or materails so that it will help me to understand testing.please give me as soon as possible

1 3143

What is Retesting & Regression Testing? When do we use retesting & regression testing(i.e In what situation)? Please clear me.

6 10489

any example for high siviority and low priority bug


2 9345

What is acid testing? In which scenario we can use acid testing


What is interface testing


8 29835

hi i want manual testing interview question(3+exp)please tell me


Pls give examples for 1. High severity and high priority. 2. High severity and low priority. 3. Low severity and high priority. 4. Low severity and low priority


5 41792

Who are responsible for writing test plan? When does it start after or before writing test case???

3 9437

Hello Friends Can anybody give me some idea about telephonic interview on Testing.As a exp. what could be the questions , that u guys have faced or you know ? Plz help me out


How do you scope, organize, and execute a test project?


1 4917

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Un-Answered Questions { Manual Testing }

What does you mean by positive and negative testing & what is the difference between them. Can anyone explain with an example?


hi friends i recently finished testing course in am looking for a job in uk.i need help about the projects in interview point.can any one explain me abt banking project or credit what are the problems faced in u r last project etc.


hi... guys can any one pls help me out.... I m civil engg graduate i want to come into s/w field... i have decided to do manual testing course. i know its not sufficient.. which r the other coures shall i do with this.. suggest me good atomation tool and SAP courses... thanks in advance.. i wil be thankfull to u all


What is coverage and what are the different types of coverage techniques?


Which criteria should take in account while doing CMS testing of any project?


What is Stability and Performance Testing in Testing the TV


hi i want manual testing interview question(3+exp)please tell me


How do u go about testing of web application?


What is pesticide paradox?


pl. give me the list of top jobs website to register i have 2Yrs. Experience in manual testing


Can you explain process areas in cmmi?


what are the test bugs


I am new to testing, I need information about TSYS any website or if you have information please mail it to me. this is for online credit applications project.My mail id is Thanks for your help.


How should validation activities be handled?


How can software qa processes be implemented without stifling productivity?