US Visa Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is your full maiden name?


2 9707

Why did you not leave with your husband? (OR) Why are you coming today for visa when you got married so and so date

2 6114

Can you show me your Marriage Invitation?

2 4199

Who arranged this marriage?

2 5048

Do any of your relatives/friends live in USA?

1 3623

Fire Ceremony Photographs?

1 3741

What is your husband?s degree? (OR) What is your husband?s highest degree?

2 4539

How did you receive the documents

1 5136

What are your plans after you go USA?

4 8280

When are you planning to travel to the US?

3 6895

Can you show me your marriage certificate.

1 4873

Where does your husband work?

3 7509

Hi, I am going to attend the H1B visa interview for US during the first week of september. I am a software programmer working on I would like to know if the consulate people will ask some technical questions. What all other things should i remember.

Cognizant, HP, Infosys, Metito, NRIT, US Consulate,

8 36970

In the interview on asking about the number of backlogs i have lied and the visa officer came to know that i have lied and he has rejected my visa for the 1st time and now if i go for the 2nd time plz tell me wht should i say that for what reason i was rejected last time.


4 14054

on having so many backlogs how do u sustain in US? how do u survive?-------- for this question can any one plz tell me the more convincing answer.

1 6694

Un-Answered Questions { US Visa }

hi..i have completed my in 8years with 65% due to my personal problem...can i get a adminssion in USA for doing MS....plzz suggest me any help plz


Hi All, I am appearing for H1B interview for 2008-09 through a consultant, who has promised me a Contractor job if I get selected. However I do not wish to work with this group,I want to look for a job on the basis of H1B in hand and later transfer the visa to new employer, Is this possible? If yes how to go about it?


I applied for the visa in the first week of July it got rejected.I was not given time to explain my case.I have to go for some important official reason.My company in US has now pushed my case.I have got an emergency appointment date.What are the chances of me getting a visa now.


hi, i m applying for f2 visa. can u plz tell me what kind of questions i have to face?


Hi Friends.. I need a small clarification i.e I need Degree(3 Years) and PGDCPA(1 Year).so its reaches US Education requirements right..? and 3 years of my degree was completed in 4 Year i.e actually passout is 2009-2011 but I passed in is any problem for my admission and visa interview time.? Please help me out..? Thanks in Advance...


Why you who need to go to us and why us associate can not work on this




Many students haven't returned back to their home country after they finished their degree in USA. How can I believe you will go back?


Hi - I had attended US B1 visa interview on 19th July 2017 (Wednesday) and I got "rejected". The The counselor had given the reason for 214 (B) section, I got 30 reasons for rejection after I had checked in google, Can someone help me? I will be going for the 2nd time after 6 months, Does it Okay? Is there any chances to reject 2nd time also. In my first interview they asked below the question:- 1) What is your designation (2 times) ? 2) Explain your duty of your job? 3) What is my company does in the US? 4) Where are you going in the US? 5) How many days are going to stay in the US? 6) What kind of conference meeting is it? 7) How many people are working there with your team in the US? 8) What is the purpose of the meeting? 9) What will you do once you come back from US after attending a conference meeting? *I have answered clearly to all above questions. But if they ask me why did I got rejected last time ? I have no answer. Please some one me


I have a valid H4 visa which I got last month. But now, I have got an onsite oppurtunity in my current project and my company would initiate L1B individual VISA for me. Will my H4 visa affect my L1B??


You have been to the US on work visa, what is the process to get a US visa?


Can you please exlain the project.


I went for an interview for H-1b visa stamping the visa officer was not satisfied with the doc and asked me to get list of employees, their sal, position and income tax papers. After a week I went back with all those doc, agin she has asked me to get unemploymentwagereport.My company is not ready to give to the report? Is there any other way to get visa stamping done... as I might loose my job .....Is there any other alternate paper that could help me with that....????Plzzzz help me if anyone knows abt it.


sir iam gng to take my gre exam coming aug ,and i completed my btech this year but with 2 back logs and i wann leave them for my provisional cirtificate,do i face any problem during my visa interview bcoz of this


Hi, I had submitted applications to sponsor visitor Visa for my parents. During the application process, I had selected Hyderabad as the consulate. I want to schedule an interview in kannada and since my parents are residents of Karnataka, I am being asked to take up an interview at Chennai. Since my application confirmation lists Hyderabad as the selected consulate, Will there be a problem if the interview is taken in Chennai. Please advice. Thank you