General Aptitude Interview Questions
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if a ball is dropped from 8 meter and it bounce back half the distance then what is the distance it travel before going to rest?

CTS, Dolat Capital,

8 14622

Some of the friends decided to go on a picnic they decided to go on a bike if the biker decided to take one pillion with him then there is no means of travel for the people as equal to the no of bike + 1. if they decided to go on two trip three bike r left unused in the second trip find the no of person having bike?


2 6102

8)if there r four balls Red blue green and yellow in four boxes Red blue green and yellow not definetly in the same order. If the blue box has the red ball and the yellow the green then find out what is there in red box??


5 8649

1.BC CE EG GK ? a)KN b)KU c)KM d)None 2.AA AB BC CE? a)EG b)EH c)EI d)None 3.AB EF JK QR ? a)YZ b)ZA c)AB d)None 4.ACD EGL IKT MOB? a)QST b)QSZ c)QSY d)None 5.AC CG GO OE? a)EJ b)EI c)EL d)None 6.AE BH CM DU? a)EH b)EZ c)EB d)None 7.AD DP PL LV a)VS b)VK c)VI d)None 8.SE QU EN TI? a)CN b)BM c)AI or AZ d)None

CitiGroup, Cognizant, CTS, IOO, Red Bull, TCS,

3 22701

Argentina had football team of 22 player of which captain is from Brazilian team and goalki from European team. For remainig palayer they have picked 6 from argentinan and 14 from european. Now for a team of 11 they must have goalki and captain so out of 9 now they plan to select 3 from rgentinian and 6 from European. Find out no. of methods avilable for it.


2 11150

What is the equivalent compound ratio of 5:6::7:10::6:5?


20 42817

If + means * and * means / and / means %. what is the value of 2+3*5/7?


26 39690

there was a swimming pool of squre shape and it is having four trees at four to double the size of swimming pool without cutting the trees...?


7 21567

one man driving a car in a lonely forest .. it was raining at that moment ...suddenly one of the car tyre got punchured...and he is having stephiny in his car ...he gets it and he tried to fix that stephiny...when he removes the bolts of punchred tire all are gone into mud...all bolts... fell into mud...and that bolts he never get...then, how can he reach safely to home... by driving his car..?

CTS, Infosys,

6 8954

Jack & Jill went to the hill....In going to hill (upword Direction)...Jack went to the hill first nd waited for Jill for "x" hours.. Jack's speed was then twice of Jill.. In the down word direction Jill can go 3km in a hour, while Jack can go 1km in 1 hour.. Jill reach the ground 1st nd waited for Jack for "x" hours.. Total journey they traveled is 6 km.. Find the speed of Jack...


3 6013

A and B combinely can do a work in 4 days. If A alone can do a piece of work 6 days. In how many days B alone can do? a) 8 days b) 6 days c)10 days d) 12 days


15 15726

if 1 is indicated by $ and 0 indicated by * find the value of {[LCM of 2,3,5]+6}1/2 ?


6 7389

pls send me US TECNOLOGYS placement papers.


The price of a product is reduced by 30% . By what percentage should it be increased to make it 100%

3i Infotech, Canara Bank, IBM, ICICI, iSoft, Mu Sigma,

7 27929

What is the value of (p-1)3 when p=15/18+5/16-20/24?


9 10315

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Un-Answered Questions { General Aptitude }

f(X)= f(X-1)+f(X-2) FOR X>1 THEN X= ?


A moves 3 kms east from his starting point . He then travels 5 kms north. From that point he moves 8 kms east.How far is A from his starting point?


6 people A,B,C,D,E and F sit around a table for dinner. Since A does not like C, he doesn't sit either opposite or beside C.B and F always like to sit opposite each other. If A is beside F then who is are the two neighbours of B?


if f(x)=1/x then f(f(f(x))) equals


how to get the system time dynamically in orcle


a cylinder ingot 6cms in diameter and 6 cms in height is and spheres all of the samesize are made from the material obtained.what is the diameter of each sphere?


f(X)= 2X-1 + f(X-1) if X is not equal to zeroandiff(X=0)=0, If f(X)-f(X-1)=f(X-8) for X>5 then X= ?


The area of the quadrilateral is 36 What is a*b


2 is what % of 4t ?


Length and breadth of a rectangle are in ratio 7:5. If length is reduced by 5 and breadth by 2, area reduces by 65. Find length and breadth.


An equilateral triangle of sides 3 inch each is given. How many equilateral triangles of side 1 inch can be formed from it?


If the word FADENCOMT equals 345687921 then What is FEAT. Find representation of 2998


chief : tribe :: governor :


Light glows for every 13 seconds . How many times did it glow between 1:57:58 and 3:20:47 am.


Square side 7 cm. Find the area 4 equal circles of the circle lying drawn at the…