RPG400 Interview Questions
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1.WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE CODE BELOW? C CUSTNO CHAIN CUSTMAST IF %ERROR can any body find the wrong please? 2.What builtin function will you use to achieve the following functionality? C QTY IFLT *ZERO C QTY MULT-1 QTY ENDIF


5 9180

We have a Physical file, after reading 5 records,it has to read LF of that same Physical file,Will it start reading from Ist record or will start reading from 5th record?


5 11379

In a particular program one file is used where override command is applied to a file, now this program calls another program where we want to use the same file but without override.How it can be done?


6 17726

how we create binder member for updating service program and where we type this code on command line or in program ? strpgmexp pgmlvl(*current) export symbol (xyz0 endpgmexp. plz explain me this step by step .

2 5603

1) How to define keyed file in CL pgm. 2) How can i read particular records in CL pgm from database file.

2 23271

I have a PF(ABC)with no key fields. PF(ABC)have 2 fields (cusno and cusname). Please let me know how can i read the cusno = 1150 directly from PF in CL and RPG program(Without creating the LF and without reading the complete file and then compare 1150)


3 11946

What would be the result on writing a data record to a PF file using the "WRITE" opcode after the SETON *ON *INLR statment?

10 14373

Why did we give STRSRVJOB while debugging batch program

HBL Power Systems,

3 11292

How can read PF in reverse order (end to start) in CL pgm..


8 32738

How can i check the object existance in RPG program without using QCMDEXC command.


7 29799

I want to add 10 days in current date. how it is possible in CL program...?


11 42552

How to index LF by relative record no (RRN)

1 6358

1. What is bound-by-call and bound-by-reference? 2. Where and why is *Nomain used? 3. What are the difficulties faced by programmers when using service programs? 4. Explain the different ways of parsing and compiling XML in iSeries.

2 5376

program to find the number of objects used in a given program through a display.


2 7573

how to retrieve particular field records from a physical file,say i have a physical file called 'employee' in it i have to retrieve the records of a field 'admin' present in pf 'employee' using rpg,but i should not use logical file or openquery file.

iGate, Wipro,

3 8303

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Un-Answered Questions { RPG400 }

What is difference between bind by copy and bind by reference?


Program to read marks of 10 students for 4 subjects and compute and display total marks and status of each student in rpg


how do you use commitment control in rpg?


RETRIVING DELETED RECORDS :- I'm frequently asked how to retrieve deleted records from an unjournaled physical file when the deleted records have not yet been removed from the file. Utility UNDEL lets you undelete records in a physical file. This public domain program is available in CISC and RISC versions, and the complete source code is available for download at: UNDEL for AS/400 Save File (RISC): http://www.as400network.com/sharewarefiles/undelris.zip UNDEL for AS/400 Save File (CISC): http://www.as400network.com/sharewarefiles/undel.zip UNDEL for AS/400 Save File (Source code): http://www.as400network.com/sharewarefiles/undelsrc.zip The utility takes advantage of the fact that deleted records in physical files are only flagged as deleted, and the record data still exists until it is overwritten or the file is reorganized with a utility such as RGZPFM. UNDEL simply reads the deleted record, then reuses the record by writing over it with the new record (thus eliminating the flag for the deleted record). Some homegrown and commercial utilities copy the file containing undeleted records to a save file, then use a program to read the save file, which contains live and undeleted records, to a file to undelete the records. The UNDEL utility is superior to the SAVF technique because there's no need to copy the file to a save file, which is especially important for really large files. When run, UNDEL displays the physical file records in their unformatted, raw text form. You can either position the display to a given relative record number or use F19 or F20 to find the previous and next deleted record, respectively. The utility also includes online help, which is almost unheard of for free utilities. Other utilities include the ability to undelete records. You can use the RTVDLTRCD command in the old QUSRTOOL (no longer supported by IBM). QUSRTOOL is now a commercial product called TAA Productivity Tools ( http://www.taatool.com ). The free file editor WRKDBF has a built-in undelete capability ( http://www.wrkdbf.com ), and several commercial file editors can undelete records. For a complete list of file editors, go to http://www.sourcebook400.com, select "Programmer Tools" under "Product Category," then select "File Editors."


which program rpg or cl is efficent to update a transaction onto a database file and why ?


How to handle duplicate error handling in RPG?


What is ment by record level identifier?


can you debug ile rpg program using isdb?


how can I tell when to replace the array?


what is the use of sflnxtchg?


How can we override a file during runtime in rpg?


what is kids-rpg?


during execution, an rpg/400 program automatically follows a sequence of operations for each record that is processed. The built-in program cycle includes the following logical steps.


can I touch the array during treatments?


How would display prime numbers using CL program?