COBOL Interview Questions
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How do you compile cobol program..?

1 7292

what happens if we wont give timestamp in precompilation process ?


4 8312

what is the use of comp2 ? where can we use it with example ?


3 11801

what happens if we dont close cursor in db2-cobol pgm?

6 25511

what is the diff b/w select stsmt and cursor ?

2 5445

77 a pic x(4) value '1234' -----> instead of this 'abcd' 77 b pic 9(4) value zeros. move a to b what is the answers for both cases? IS it possible? Give me elementary move rules briefly......

8 10566

a pic s9(4) comp b pic s9(4) comp-3 c ???????????????? d ???????????????? move a to c add a+B giving d. what is ur declaration for c,d?

4 8389

The disposition parameter in the jcl is share ( DISP+SHR ) and the program opens file in extend mode what will happen?


6 18260

I have a Main Program which is calling Sub-Program which is a DB2 pgm. What will happen if I am not closing the cursor used in the Sub-program? Please advise..


3 10600

what is linkcard in cobol?


1 10197

what happens of we dont give time stamp in precompilation process

2 4818

Whtz the specialty of 77 level number ?


2 8800

77 I pic 99 value 5 Perorm para-A I times. Para -A. move 10 to I. How many times the para-A will be executed.?


9 10817

suppose there is one PF having two members PF1 PF2.PF has one unique key Emp ID.could you tell me uniqueness in PF will be effective across members as well ? assume emp iD 3333 is in member PF1 would same Emp id be exist also in member PF2 ?

Tesco HSC, Wipro,

2 6472

If i have a variable A pic 9(2) value 10 Compute A = a - 100 what will be the value of A and will there be any error becoz of the Negative value


3 8237

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Un-Answered Questions { COBOL }

What is the usage of comp fields in cobol?


Write a program that uses move corresponding.


What is the default value(s) for an initialize and what keyword allows for an override of the default?


What are the different data types in cobol?


How many bytes S(8) comp field occupy and its maximum value?


In which area will you utilize 88 level items in cobol?


2 input fles: 2 flat files, with different number of records. both are having unique key for each record and already sorted in ascending order . match these files using unique key and in output only matching key value has to be written. please procide cobol logic


What is amode(24), amode(31), rmode(24) and rmode(any) (applicable to only mvsesa enterprise server) ?


Can you please let me know the centre name of INS certification in Kolkata.


What is a scope terminator give example?


What is the difference between binary search and sequential search?


What is the difference between perform … with test after and perform … with test before?


How do you reference the following file formats from cobol programs?


i need a small 3d program using inline and outline.


State the various causes of s0c1, s0c5 and s0c7.