What is inspect in cobol ?
how do you reference the variable block file formats from cobol programs
) How do u handle errors in BMS macro?
What is redefines clause in COBOL?
How you can characterize tables in cobol?
i was faced one question- i have value -00001234.56 Suppress the zeroes and the output should be -1234.56 But Not - 1234.56 spaces should not be available after suppressing the zeroes. logic in jcl and cobol?
What is a report item?
How to find out the closest prime number of an input number? I believe it has something to do with SEARCH and COBOL Linear Array.
What is the problem of ordered sequential files access?
What is the difference between next sentence and continue in cobol programing language?
Explain how will you differentiate between an internal and an external sort, the pros and cons, internal sort syntax etc
HOw can I get the negative sign while deduct high value from low value
Why do we code s9 (4) comp. Inspite of knowing comp-3 will occupy less space?
How to read the 2nd last record of a VSAM file? (The file size is huge and we don't know the key)
What are the different rules for performing sort operation?