Advanced Java Interview Questions
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i have a 1000 objects in data base i need to display those in jsp's how can i retrive those objects in jsp. (consider the performance issue)

2 3826

What is the O/P of the below Code Snippet ? And how does it imply the concept of call-by-value/call-by-reference. (Note : Pls ignore syntx errors) public class One { sop ("Into One--"); } public class Two extends One{ sop ("Into Two--"); } public class Home { One a; Two t; public static void main(argv[]) { sop ("In Home--"); sop(One.a); sop(Two.a); sop(One.t); sop(Two.t); } }


2 3747

what is a Daemon Thread?

2 4089

How to synchronize jsp page?

Infotech, TCS,

1 6495

what are design patterns in java?give with example?

HCL, iGate,

2 5928

Why JDBC has introduced

4 7057

which is the better collection class if the requirement is only displaying the data

1 3195

if i know the lenght of collection in hand, should I use Array or Arraylist? justify


1 3566

1) what is synchronization? 2)write a program to show synchronization ? 3) what is orm? 4) what is getTemplete method and hw u use it? 5)write a singleton program ? 6) what is IOC concept & explain it? 7) methods of spring? 8)explain spring framework? 9)what are the oops concept? 10)what r the diff types of exception? 11)what is AOP(assepct oriented programing)? 12)jsp life cycle? 13)servlet life cycle? 14)how to u catch ur exception when executing a query in hibernate? 15)write javascript function? 16)write a querry to join two tables? 17)wap to show inheritance and use of interface? 18)explain the project? 19)in spring bean class uses singleton or prototype? 20)Explain prototype?

Cap Gemini,

1 6392

How many JSP scripting elements and what are they?


4 5592

What are the implicit objects?


2 6842

which book is better for jdbc ,servlets and jsp



how to use debug in my elipse to solve problems that exist in my project

SAP Labs, TCS,


which of the following authentication is stronger than the others? a. Http Basic b. Http DIGEST c. Form based

1 2310

which deployment descriptor element is used to configure the authentication method? a. auth-config b. login-config c. sec-config

1 3643

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Un-Answered Questions { Advanced Java }

What is a class loader? What are the different class loaders used by jvm?


What is abstract schema?


Have you used threads in Servelet?


How are the elements of a borderlayout organized?


Can I run seam outside of jboss as?


What are the pros and cons of detached objects?


What is the relationship between the canvas class and the graphics class?


Do you think that java should have had pointers?


What are the different methods of identifying an object?


we use MainFrame and using os390 for operating system with DB2 data base in IRAN and interest programing with java and use webspere for world wide,please help me where i should start?


Explain ioc concept?


What do you mean by Socket Programming?


How many times may an objects finalize() method be invoked by the garbage collector?


What is the difference between java class and bean?


Why won’t the jvm terminate when I close all the application windows?