Everything Else AllOther Interview Questions
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Is there any method (like format and font type,font size) to prepare the documents in pharma or biotech companies?


Hello sir /ma'am... Plz help me out..... I selected in ADO THE LIC.... Every people saying this is bad job..is this right? Whether should I join or not?


I am Umi, my question is I am very low confident person in my life all time m think m not suitable for this job or work, n my English also not good enough for backend n HR profile jobs that's why still I have job less n I am disappointed my self.

1 2120

Malawi has been facing a number of disasters ranging from floods, drought, strong winds and others. What kind of crops research organisations can help in the finding out of the best crops to plant in these scenario for the rural farmers to follow.

Focus, Focus Softnet,


What are the test cases for booking one ticket for same movie, for same time but many users.



Dear Sir, We we purchase we are charges by the our customer 5 Vat.When we are selling out side State we are charging 2 % cst for Registered dealer.My question is on 100*5=5 Total 105.for a procust. If we are selling the same product for Rs.120*2 for Against C Form.The cost of the item.RS.120*2.24.If C form issuing the value of the Forms is required and how % is the value.This is for costing purpose.



Pl. Brief scope for Bsc nursing in India


I have an experience of 6yrs in non voice bpo sector. M bbm graduate. I feel it is not an long term secure job, here v can stay maximum 35-40 with maximum salary of 25 to 30k.. my question is what is next.. what after 40yrs..? Plz suggest me for my future step... do u guys want me to sstay with it.. or want me to step another industry.. if yes.. what are the options..?



the earliest extant coins of India were of-

UPPSC Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission,

1 4099

i am B.E Civil engineer 2 year exp in construction i want to job in singapore so pls tell me any best and trust oversea consultancy in chennai plzs help me


What are the differences between decision-making statements and loop statements?

Everest Online,

1 2119

Wat is the rate of TDS(vat) if payment is above 20000?


i have tested one module at the i found one defect for it. it is fixed by developer but i want to know the impact of these defect on other module which has dependency on defect found module. Other than regression how we will use best practice for to find any impact on other module as it's near to deadline for testing


if a material tested by titration and finish test by HPLC we can prepare working standard by which method.

Aishwarya Healthcare,


Financial service/instrument ??

1 2005

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Un-Answered Questions { Everything Else AllOther }

what is the time alloted for objective question in allahbad bank clerical exam.plz answer.


sir i got a call from cabinet secretariat regarding i got selected in dfo(gd) 2013 on 28/5/2016 to come for filling of some details in my interview attestation form,which i submitted.Now when will my verification be completed and got the appointment letter.Is anybody got the same


what is marketing, purchase and sale?


being a science how can u help a bank if we give u a job in a bank


The distance between the magnetic north pole and magnetic south pole of a bar magnet is called the...?




can multiple values insert in sql? if yes then how??


what is the salary for clerk in bob? i just got appointment letter... the basic salary mentioned as 7200 + other allowances. I would like to know the total salary with all the allowances included.. anybody can help me out !!!


I am working in BPO for more than 5 years? Now, I am in a position of SME. If, I got promotion, the next level would be Team Leader. But, I don't want to become a team leader because I am not interested in that area. Can any one suggest me to get good opportunities with high salary.


What prior experience do you have that you think will be useful in this role?


what is article?


when will the icse 2011 result proclaimed?


what is a meaning of quick learn


We (a Private Organisation)have purchased furniture worth Rs.1.4 lacs from a firm Whhile making payment should we deduct TDS@2% ?


write a program that asks for 2 floating point numbers and multiply numbers together,print to screen. then ask the user how many digits it needs to display to the right of the decimal and print the product again w the new precision...