Call Centre AllOther Interview Questions
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Tell me how did you spend your last weekend.


1 6463

Tell me about your mother’s /father’s daily routine.

Call Centre, Concentric Solutions, Concentrix, conventrix, Greet Technologies, HCL, Mphasis, Wipro, WNS,

11 270734

Why do you want join B.P.O’s.

HCL, Lycatel,

2 8279

Where do you want to see yourself after five years?

Genpact, HCL, Hindustan Unilever Limited, Sunny Developers, Tech Mahindra, Wipro,

13 20314

How a friend is means to you.


8 10790

Speak on Topic "Money can't buy happiness "


3 8706

Speak on Topic Education's Importance in our life.


2 17756

What is the Importance of co-education in Our society.


3 19234

what is communication

5 8183

HOW CAN U SAY TIME IS MONEY. DO U CONSIDER YOURSELF AS A SUCCESSFUL PERSON? AND WHY? what are your contributions in order to meet the goals of our company?

3 6836

why u select bpo

4 9740

why do you want to take up a job after a long break of so many years?


What is more important to you: the money or the work?

IBM, Resurgent Technologies,

7 11601

1.Why do you want to work in Knoah Solutions? 2.Why Knoah? 3.Are you over qualified for this position? 4.And other interview questions in this company.


1 11379

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Un-Answered Questions { Call Centre AllOther }

What you would like to wear traditional or western ?


What is your philosophy in life?


what kind of questions based on computer may be asked in an interview in BPO's?


hello i m sonu rawat now i m going on an int. and hr man tell me why u choose this organisetion so plz tell me what should i say them


hi i went for a walk to hsbc(call center) and i attended to written and telephonic round and next i have to face avp round what type of questions i have to face in that round please sujjest me


HOW you spend the last day? how you spend the last Birthday.


Respected sir,madam this is jyoti ranjan intersted for(BPO/CALLCENTER) so if u would send 2 me all types of BPO/CALLCENTER question then i shall greatfull 2 you.thanking you.


Name the factors you need to take into consideration before conducting a survey for customer service satisfaction


have you seen a manhole? why do you think it is shaped like a circle?


Did you learn anything new recently which can be helpful to bpo’s? : bpo


General Topic


i want to know the genral questions in interviews if any body knows pls help me


What factors can bring you good customer feedback?


Tell something about today's climate?


tell us about a time when u failed to meet a deadline.