C Interview Questions
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Write a program that takes a 5 digit number and calculates 2 power that number and prints it.

TCS, Vimukti Technologies,

5 9218

5) Write a program that takes a 3 digit number n and finds out whether the number 2^n + 1 is prime, or if it is not prime find out its factors.without using big int and exponential function


1 3554

Why is the code below functioning. According to me it MUST NOT.

1 3013

write a program in C to swap two variables

Attrabyte, Marlabs,

7 9341

mplementation of stack using any programing language


1 3460

How to find the usage of memory in a c program


1 4446

How can you print HELLO WORLD without using "semicolon"?

HCL, Infosys,

7 9156

struct node { int *a; char *b; char array[12]; }; struct node m,*n; assign the value in *a,*b,char array[12]

3 5813

Write a program that takes a 3 digit number n and finds out whether the number 2^n + 1 is prime, or if it is not prime find out its factors

3 4675

Write a program that takes a 5 digit number and calculates 2 power that number and prints it

7 6447

I was asked to write a program in c which when executed displays how many no.of clients are connected to the server.


what will be the output off the following program? #include int main() { int a; a=015+0*71+5; printf("%d,a"); return0; }


9 10077

change to postfix a/(b+c*d-e)

Value Labs,

8 7397

write a method for an array in which it can display the largest n next largest value.

Value Labs,

1 3812

write a program to find the largest and second largest integer from an array

Value Labs,

2 8543

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in linking some of os executables are linking name some of them


What is the use of putchar function?


When can you use a pointer with a function?


Explain low-order bytes.


i have to apply for the rbi for the post of officers. i need to know abt the entrance questions whether it may be aps or techinical....


What is floating point constants?


I need testPalindrome and removeSpace #include #define SIZE 256 /* function prototype */ /* test if the chars in the range of [left, right] of array is a palindrome */ int testPalindrome( char array[], int left, int right ); /* remove the space in the src array and copy it over to the "copy" array */ /* set the number of chars in the "copy" array to the location that cnt points t */ void removeSpace(char src[], char copy[], int *cnt); int main( void ) { char c; /* temporarily holds keyboard input */ char string[ SIZE ]; /* original string */ char copy[ SIZE ]; /* copy of string without spaces */ int count = 0; /* length of string */ int copyCount; /* length of copy */ printf( "Enter a sentence:\n" ); /* get sentence to test from user */ while ( ( c = getchar() ) != '\n' && count < SIZE ) { string[ count++ ] = c; } /* end while */ string[ count ] = '\0'; /* terminate string */ /* make a copy of string without spaces */ removeSpace(string, copy, ©Count); /* print whether or not the sentence is a palindrome */ if ( testPalindrome( copy, 0, copyCount - 1 ) ) { printf( "\"%s\" is a palindrome\n", string ); } /* end if */ else { printf( "\"%s\" is not a palindrome\n", string ); } /* end else */ return 0; /* indicate successful termination */ } /* end main */ void removeSpace(char src[], char copy[], int *cnt) { } int testPalindrome( char array[], int left, int right ) { }


What is null in c?


A c program to display count values from 0 to 100 and flash each digit for a secong.reset the counter after it reaches 100.use for loop,. pls guys hepl me.. :(


Why clrscr is used in c?


Why do we need arrays in c?


Give differences between - new and malloc() , delete and free() ?


What is a ternary operator in c?


What is #include called?


Is there any data type in c with variable size?