How do you print only part of a string?
What are global variables?
Write a program to find the biggest number of three numbers in c?
How is a null pointer different from a dangling pointer?
Suggesting that there can be 62 seconds in a minute?
Why use int main instead of void main?
What is pointer to pointer in c?
Synonymous with pointer array a) character array b) ragged array c) multiple array d) none
How do I get a null pointer in my programs?
What are qualifiers?
What the different types of arrays in c?
Why c language is called c?
Explain the difference between call by value and call by reference in c language?
What is a memory leak? How to avoid it?
One of the Institutes contains 5 student groups. Every group contains 4 students. Institute wants to store student group’s details in array. Group should contain group member’s details (name and registration number and age), project name, and mark of the group.