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CCCL Civil Engineering Interview Questions
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how must steel will use for 1 cubic meter.formula of steel for beam,column,lantern.

17 167862

why breadth of beam is shorter than (or equal to )its depth?

8 27236

what is the least count of staff ?

12 26766

what is super elevation?

10 12441

how the load will be transfer from pile foundation to soil?

1 6988

difference between limit state method and working stress in terms of load

6 14250

Difference between design mix and nominal mix

2 7595

How much block, cement,sand,is required for 1 sqmt of 200*200*400 block work

2 46496

what is lap length?

8 14286

how much quantity of blocks, cement and sand is required to complete 1sq.m of CC Hollow blockwork. Size-16"x8"x8". Also what is the cement sand ration commonly used?

10 232385

what is the ratio of young's modulus of elasticity for a mild steel specimen in tension and compression?

7 12951

which one is strong? field weld or shop weld?

6 15015

what is mean by bulking of sand?

1 2851

what is mean by bulking of sand?

11 49358

which software is better for design and analysis of buildings (stadd pro ) or (Etabs)


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How silverlight 4 is different from silverlight 3?


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What is a control table in peoplesoft hrms?


What is the difference between uuid and guid?


Where was artificial intelligence invented?


What are different types of classloaders?


What is a output comment?


What is a servlet context?


What is an anchor tag?


What are the differences between c# and visual


#include #include #include #include void insert(char *items, int count); int main(void) { char s[255]; printf("Enter a string:"); gets(s); insert(s, strlen(s)); printf("The sorted string is: %s.\n", s); getch(); return 0; } void insert(char *items, int count) { register int a, b; char t; for(a=1; a < count; ++a) { t = items[a]; for(b=a-1; (b >= 0) && (t < items[b]); b--) items[b+1] = items[b]; items[b+1] = t; } } design an algorithm for Insertion Sort


What is the purpose of thread?


What is the difference between ROW_NUMBER and Ranking function in SQL SERVER?


What will the code below print when it is executed?   int x = 3, y = 4;         if (x = 4)                 y = 5;         else                 y = 2;         printf ("x=%d, y=%d ",x,y);


What is c++ code?