what is the difference in Gas Welding and Gas Cutting?? Second Question is for Huge Casting which method is used??
1507Post New Bhel Mechanical Engineering Interview Questions
What are bash scripts used for?
How do I code a website?
How is cost center accounting related to profit center?
Which TV series do you like the most? Enlist some major characters of this series.
What languages bi uses to achieve the goal?
Explain about merge replications?
What denotes the 5/8mm in the 3300XL 5/8mm proximitor probe?
How Pig differs from MapReduce?
Explain why you prefer bootstrap for website development?
What is difference between code and standard and specification?
what is outgoing mail server (smtp)?
What do you understand by jdbc statements?
Do apache tomcat generate log files? If yes name them?
What is non-conventional programs?
Why I am getting this error when dropping a database in ms sql server?