3x3x2.5 m room temperature increases by 20 deg cel in 24 hours by a lamp of 100 w. then tell the temperature of the filament
1559what will be the angular speed of a model of turbine whose dia is half of the real one and operating in 1/4 th of the head of the real turbine rotating in Nrpm.
1607find the damper capacity of a system having a damping co efficient of 90% with a vibrating mass of 0.1Kg over a spring having a stiffness of 1KN/m.
1480Post New Bhel Mechanical Engineering Interview Questions
Why is oop useful?
How hashmap increases its size?
What do you understand by ‘test effectiveness’ and ‘test efficiency’?
How to tell web browsers that your web pages have atom feeds?
Where do we use html?
Explain what is a foreign key relationship? Explain this with the help of an example.
Which is the parent class to create all windows services in .net?
What was java originally called?
Where are quick parts saved?
In tm, if a group of employees gets 10 days of annual leave, what will be the time evaluation status? : sap abap hr
How do I automatically consolidate data in excel?
What exactly is the price of selenium test-suite?
How does mysql store binary data?
Differentiate between the constructors and methods in java?
What is the weight per meter (Kg/m)of 0.5mm dia copper 10 pair,50 pair and 100 pair,200 pair,500pair telephone cables?