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Bhel Interview Questions
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What is unit of power

26 19946

Hi any one of u send me supervisor trainee question paper to my mail id for written test prepration


hi i need bhel old question paper with answer???????


what is the vital subject for scoring bhel exam&what is the question pattern


100V supply is appllied between 500K Resistance bulb. for 1 kwh energy, how long time the bulb will glow? explain the calculating method.

3 5077

Bhel supervision exam question: If 2 generators are working in a network. And if suddenly the field of anyone generator weakens. What will happen in the network? 1. The generator will run as motor 2. The generator will run as motor in reverse direction 3. The generator will take lighter load 4. The generator will take more load

9 11448

Why we use signal&voltage isolator between source n load.

3 5480

Adout concrete

1 3118

How damper winding in synchronous motor suppress Hunting?

2 25203

what is relay multiplier

1 5618

what is spherical surface contact and midsplit surface clearance regarding to turbine.

2 4175

how to test rotor &stator earth fault in turbine

1 11776

what are the ALOM commands are used to troubleshooting sunv440 server on ALOM console mode?

1 5005

What are the conditions to be satisfied before connecting two DC generators in parallel?

9 15691

how to calculate single phase motor efficiency ?


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Can we override constructors?


You want to use web application server with peopletools 8.1x and peopletools 8.4. How would you do that?


What are the advantages of zend framework 2?


What is the use of mainframe applications?


if sf6 gas low in gis what will happen


How may sets be ordered?


How often does rss feed update?


Which package is used for jdbc application?


Why did you decide to pursue your career at Applebees?


What do you mean by corpus?


What is merge statement?


What is ifna formula?


What is drill down and slicing and dicing whats the difference between them?


describe a typical multiple-level priority-base scheduling and give FIVE examples of factors that can be implemented on the different levels


Name the element which was used to make the first atomic bomb?