which cable is preferred PVC OR XLPE for voltage from 220V to 11 KV with proper justification
1 4314Post New BARC Electrical Engineering Interview Questions
What happens to each of the three primary financial statements when you change a) gross margin b) capital expenditures c) any other change?
What are alternate access mapping?
Tell me do you have any idea about service tax or excise?
What do you mean by list comprehension in python?
Define Mem-table in Cassandra?
Is it possible to use curly brackets ({}) to enclose single line code in c program?
Explain some new features available in jdbc 4.0?
What is the advantage of hibernate over jdbc?
My question is whether bellow formula is correct to find bus size for 46kA for 0.5 second & what is RT in bellow formula. formula to calculate the size of busbar to withstand the thermal stresses due to currents with duration of 0.2 sec to 5 sec. Sp = RT( I x I x t) / K Where Sp – is the cross sectional area of bus bar in millimeters. I - is the value of AC fault current. t - is the operating time of disconnecting device in seconds. K – is the factor depending on the material of the conductor, insulation and initial and final temperature. Value of ‘k’ for copper is 143.
What is difference between weblogic and tomcat?
How to integrate Active directory user to public site(internet site)
salary payable deduct tds entry
What is pojo implementation?
What are types of jdbc drivers?
How to update a function in javascript?