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Bank Of America Call Centre AllOther Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

tell me about ur favourite colour

50 522971

Favourite Holiday spot

22 190735

just a minute round on water, coffee, energy, newspaper,Dreams,television,window, hair, smile, pocket money,

1 74865

Speak on your unforgettable or memorable day for two minutes?

82 679771

Why do u want to leave your present job

5 11114

What is your memorable day in your life?

18 107797

tell me about your last movie that you see?

14 155015

wats ur mothers daily routine?

2 10834

talk about your favorite cricketer at least for 2 minutes

1 30676

what r you expact about your selary.

9 13731

what is the defference between call centre and bpo???

4 8739

tell me tabout recent movie u r seen?tell me about yout college days? tell me about your school days? tell me about your friends?

13 57434

why do u want to join bpo instead of other company

7 26700

y do want 2 work for our company only, ther r so many multi- national company's better than this ?????

8 15758

When I was in bank of America I got  question tell me about your unforgettable day

1 3828

Post New Bank Of America Call Centre AllOther Interview Questions

Bank Of America Call Centre AllOther Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

How can you filter out specific type of file using file system controls?


When I am checking the services its showing uninitialized then what should I do. Please tell me the answer as soon as possible?


Define ampere


Explain the properties of selection screen?


if we tried to move year part of *iso date into a field of length 3, what will happen ?


Explain forbidden clones.


What is the percentage of carbon in cast iron ?


What is "GraphX" in Spark?


How do you compare values in java?


What are the default ports that are forwarded to your homestead environment?


what is the difference between jet engine and ODBC ?


How can I study data structures and algorithms?


When lag/lead/lag-lead compensation is employed?


Which is the parent class of sortedset class?


Can keyword be used as identifier?