Post New Bank Of America General Knowledge_Current Affairs Interview Questions
how much power is required for a 200 watts bulb if 60p/unit is observed?
In case if someone forgets his id and password, what to do?
How do I link an excel spreadsheet to powerpoint?
How does javac compiler work?
What are the methods used to provide effects in jquery?
Define text stream object?
Which type of os is windows?
Which mode executes the fault handler?
How you will switch from one frame to another?
What is e java?
Explain me how would you handle an imbalanced dataset?
Compare joomla and drupal terminology?
Can we create instance of private class in c#?
What are all needed for Correspondence ( Pre-requisites)?
2 input fles: 2 flat files, with different number of records. both are having unique key for each record and already sorted in ascending order . match these files using unique key and in output only matching key value has to be written. please procide cobol logic