suppose we have ten members of a physical file but we want the output of last 5 members to achieve that?
1630Post New Bank Of America Programming Languages AllOther Interview Questions
What is the difference between an object-oriented programming language and object-based programming language?
Name different types of highlighters?
we have a crushing plant and our product is experiencing flakiness and elongation over limit for granite. what is the solution to this problem? how can it be avoided and what to do differently? It is not ok for batching plants
name 3 ways to get an accurate count of the number of records in a table? : Sql dba
Define Final Class in C#
how can i apply patches for bi7.0 componenet without user id and password of SAP?
What is the result of select * from the tab?
what is use of mechanical
What is the purpose of checked and unchecked exceptions in JAVA?
Practically why we get negative absorption in UV SPECTROPHOTOMETER when the time of cleaning sample analysis. is negative absorption in Uv valid or not?
What are the difficulties faced in your project? And how will you overcome its?
Is django stable or not?
Does jwt protect against csrf?
What is sessionfactory?
why we calld java object orinted programming language??