10% t.d.s needs to be deducted if one gets >20000/PA as Consultancy charges. Is this law applicable to physically chanllenged indiviuals whose disability is gtreater than or egual to 80%. My disability is 80% and I am working with an IT company on contract and gets 40K on a monthly basis starting Nov 10. How much TDS should I be oaying. Could someone please assist me with this query. Thanks in advance:-)
2 4075Post New Bank Of America Taxation Interview Questions
What do you mean by trait in scala and when it is used?
Explain the difference between angular 2 modules vs. Javascript modules
What is the extension name of dos?
What is the t-code to display batch input sessions? : abap bdc
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What is an immutable object? How can it help in writing a concurrent application?
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What is difference between hibernate save(), saveorupdate() and persist() methods?
What is the forroot method in angular4?
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What is echo $path in linux?
How does apex work?
What is a proc ?