hi ,i need some suggestion,comptd my graduation in 2012,but i wasted my time for 6 month,just i want 2 escape from this question,what u did for 6 months,how can i give proper anser to them?pls suggest me
1931Post New Bank Of America Accounting General Interview Questions
What is the history on the invention of paper?
Is the server accepting tcp ip connections on port 5432?
What are scriptlets?
seqence numbers in cobol
What is opening tag and closing tag in html?
What is namespace in oop?
How do I open the command prompt?
What are the key activities that process control share with access control in grc?
How do I use scenario manager in excel 2016?
What is a private key?
What is lazy loading / lazy initialization in hibernate?
What are the similarities between a function and a procedure?
How does the on-delete-cascade statement work?
What is the difference between doget () dopost () and service () methods?
What does printf does?