Topic :: Functional Testing

Functional Testing Interview Questions
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What types of testing will come under functionality testing and non functionality testing?Security testing is consider as functionality testing or non functionality?why its so?

10 18766

What is Functional Testing and Regression Testing?


8 9361

prepare functional requirements and design test cases for a given business requirement as follows(consider all the implicit requirements): A message portal is given,Login into that, check for any e_mail in inbox-if present reply,if not compose a mail and send it.


What is the difference between Functional test cases and UAT test cases?


2 10445

Difference between Functional and System testing?


2 5594

diff b/w smoke testng and sanity,which coms fist functional or sanity


2 5029

What are the ways of functional testing? Can you give me an example of how to perform Functional testing on a Login Page for example.


what do u mean by Functional testing?

Zycus Infotech,

9 17074

Write a Test scenario for Outlook Search functionality.



explain functionality testing and functional testing and give example who do thattype of testing


1 6960

what is Non-Functional testing? & their types?


9 17354

what is non-functional testing? give 2 example..

Cap Gemini,

2 9502

How to test the functional specification?


1 3548

What is difference between system and functional testing?


2 5207

Define Non-functional testing?


2 6064

Un-Answered Questions { Functional Testing }

What r the functional testing u perform?


Diffrence b/w functional testing,functionality testing,system testing?


What are joins and subjoins in the data bases what is data driven testing what is verification and validation What is Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Control (QC) Is Verification is related to QA and Validation is related to QC ? which type of model you follow basically in your project what is a use case How to test a Bike how to test a Lift (Elevator). which configuration Management tool do you use which Bug tracking tool do you use explain Bug life cycle what is Regression testing what is ALPHA testing ans BETA testing What types of testings comes under Non functional testing what is TEST DIRECTOR what is CMM and CMM i whar are Expressions in Winrunner What is a Compile module Is it Necessary to open the tool first or the application first after getting a bug what will you do if you add a new object or a new module for the existing application then how will you test the application which Defect tracking tool do you use what is change management What is smoke Testing what is sanity testing A application is given to you but the requirements and functionalities are missing what will you do to start the testing which testing documents will be received by the client


What is the difference between Functional testing and Unit Functionality testing?


What are the input documents to 1.Functional testing,2.System testing and 3.Integration testing. Whether there will be separate test cases for regression testing or functional testing?


pls tell me any open source test case managment tool ? its urgent.also tell me any autmation testing tool also for functional testing?


i ma working on a project where i need to accept the requirements in english language and generate test cases for it.the requirment for example is Req002 – Turn the engine off (Engine_fuelling = Off AND Engine_supply = Off) if Key_position = Engine_off. Req003 – Switch on accessories (Accessories_power = On) if Key_position = Acc. Req004 – Switch off accessories (Accessories_power = Off) if Engine_starter = Active how am i goin to design the requirement structure for this and please suggest what will be the positive and negative test cases for these requirements for functional testing


What are the ways of functional testing? Can you give me an example of how to perform Functional testing on a Login Page for example.


What are the Win Runner tools for functional testing?


what is functional testing terminologies


How many test cases u will write for Adhoc testing? How many test cases u will write for Alpha testing? How many test cases u will write for Beta testing? How many test cases u will write for Release candidate testing? How many test cases u will write for Product release testing? How many test cases u will write for Functional testing? How many test cases u will write for Non-Functional testing? How many test cases u will write for Integration testing? How many test cases u will write for System testing? How many test cases u will write for Component testing? How many test cases u will write for Release testing? How many test cases u will write for Load testing? How many test cases u will write for Stress testing? How many test cases u will write for Black box testing? How many test cases u will write for White Box testing? How many test cases u will write for Performance testing? How many test cases u will write for Automation testing? How many test cases u will write for Compatibility testing? How many test cases u will write for Regression testing? How many test cases u will write for Endurance testing? How many test cases u will write for System Integration testing? How many test cases u will write for Boundary value testing? How many test cases u will write for Usability testing? How many test cases u will write for Walk through testing? How many test cases u will write for Sanity testing? How many test cases u will write for Smoke testing? How many test cases u will write for Installation testing? How many test cases u will write for Soak testing? How many test cases u will write for Volume testing? How many test cases u will write for Security testing? Write test cases for Multi path testing? How many test cases u will write for Multi path testing? Write test cases for Dynamic Capacity Expansion (DCE)? Write test cases for Dynamic Volume Expansion (DVE)? Write test cases for Dynamic Raid Expansion (DRM)? Write test cases for Drive failure? Write test cases for Controller Failover? Write test cases for Cable pull? Write test cases for RAID Controller?


Is QC comes under functional testing or not?


functional testing test cases for transfer funds ?


functional testing and usability testing test cases for transfer funds...


What is the default Unit and Functional Testing Framework for Play? What is the default Build Tool for Play? What is the Default Template Engine for Play? What is the built-in Web Server available in Play Framework?