How u call functions in QTP

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How u call functions in QTP..

Answer / charan

syntax for function
fun <fun name>(arg1,arg2)
for example if u want to call mul(3,6)
call mul(3,6)
function mul(a,b)

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How u call functions in QTP..

Answer / jayalakshmi

Function to calculate the length of characters in a word -

Function countChar(st)/*Vbscript Function
charLength = Length(st)
End Function

Assume above function countChar is written in VBscript, now
you are getting the text from the Application and calling
the Vbscript file and gets the length of the characters in
the word

Dim textValue
textValue= Browser("Browser Name").Page("Page Name").Frame

executefile "\*.*\countChar(textValue)" /*calling the
Vbscript file
textlength = charLength /*getting the text length

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How u call functions in QTP..

Answer / hitendra

Function checkpal( strpal ,outstr )
If strpal =strreverse(outstr ) Then
print strpal &" " & strreverse(outstr )
checkpal="Is Palindrome"
checkpal="Is Not Palindrome"
End If
End Function

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How u call functions in QTP..

Answer / ravinder

first diclare veriable in note pade and save in vbs file
after that go to new qtp program
use the publec ffunction
end function satement go to test resoruses and add
librarey file run the frogram

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How u call functions in QTP..

Answer / manu

its as simple as calling vbs functions..

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