What is Gravitational Force and why is everything being
attracted towards Earth instead of other Planets.Can you
describe in Terms of IT field when it comes to Network

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What is Gravitational Force and why is everything being attracted towards Earth instead of other P..

Answer / john rhoades

Gravity is the force by which all matter in the universe is attracted to all other matter. However, the strength of this attraction falls off according to the inverse-square law. That is, if something is twice as far away the power of gravity falls off to 1/4. Objects such as other planets are immensely further away from us than the center of the Earth. (The center of objects spherical is where you measure from. It takes calculus to work out why.)

All matter has a gravitational field equivalent to it's mass. That is, something twice as massive has twice the gravitational force. Additionally the amount matter is attracted by gravity is directly equivalent to it's mass. So big things are attracted more strongly to other big things. This is why you don't get pulled into other people or cars as they walk by. Not very big compared to the Earth or the Sun.

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What is Gravitational Force and why is everything being attracted towards Earth instead of other P..

Answer / simran

gravitational force is the force exerted by the earth and
other objects in the universn which attracts everything
towards itself. it is fue to the gravitational force of the
earth that we don't float in the atmosphere but stand erect
on the earth's crust. it is due to the gravitational pull
of the earth which helps it hold the atmosphere around it.
the gravitational force of the sun attracts every other
thing in the universe towards itself and thus all the
planets are at equal distance from the sun and revolve
around it in a uniform motion.

it is not that everything is being attracted towards the
earth. all objecys in universe poosess gravitational force
though in some cases, as in the case of sun, the
gravitational pull is greater. so this also explains that
all the plabets and the sun and other objects possess
gravitational pull due to which they do get attracted
btowards the sun but beacause the sun has a large and the
maximum gravitational pull, but they don't get fully
attracted because the other planets and objects possess
their own gravitational pull too..

hope it helped!

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What is Gravitational Force and why is everything being attracted towards Earth instead of other P..

Answer / bob

All objects composed of matter have gravitational pull. We
"stick" to the earth because we are closest to the earth and
it exerts the greatest pull. The sun and the moon, however,
exert a gravitational pull as well, and it causes the ocean
to be "lifted" and results in tides. The pull from these
objects are not so great because they are far away, but
their gravitational attraction still exists; otherwise the
moon wouldn't circle the earth, and all the planets wouldn't
circle the sun.

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