When I have one cubic foot of air enclosed within a
weightless container and place it on the surface of a fresh
water body of water at sea level how much mass (weight)
will it support before it sinks below the surface?
Tell me how are amps and watts related?
Why is it that the nearer we approach the sun, the colder it becomes ?
How is the bullet in a man?s body located ?
Explain how is nuclear fission different from nuclear fusion?
What is Suspension ?
Explain the Clouds and Rains ?
What is the difference between dynamic strain aging and strain aging?
a car starts from rest with uniform acceleration "a" for sometime and then with uniform retardation "b" and comes to rest. The time of motion is "t". find the maximum velocity attained by it?
why are metals able to conduct current so well?
By primarily using what simple machine did galileo come to the conclusion on the existence of friction?
when does one exert greater pressure on ground during walking or standing? why ? what happends to the period of a simple pendulum taken into a deep mine
Explain what is the translucent?