i am one of applicant for applying to jobs of physics lecturers. caould u have an opportunity for us according to our education and experience
1895Post New Astro Physics Questions
What are the stars?
how stars comes from different sizes
What is solar eclipse?
What are the forces which keep a flying plane in a equilibrium?
Explain the planets?
Why countdown while firing a aeroplane?
What is astronomical telescope?
Explain the moon?
In universe there exist temperature of 1000000 degree Centigrade, does there also exist the temperature of -1000000 degree centigrade ?? (in order to satisfy newton's second law)
What is eclipses?
i am one of applicant for applying to jobs of physics lecturers. caould u have an opportunity for us according to our education and experience
What is the weight of the earth?
What is the distance of the earth from the moon and the sun?
What is equatorial and polar diameter?
What is lunar eclipse?