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ajmer for the post of SE (Signal)
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Belur is situated on the bank of which river? (1) Cauvery (2) Yegachi (3) Yamuna (4) None of these
please send me 10year questation for the post of technician (sngle)rrbpatna
Which of the following countries won the three-nation Invitation Cup Hockey Tournament held in Sydney in June 2003? (a) Pakistan (b) Australia (c) South Korea (d) India
2 Answers State Bank Of India SBI,
Total number of zones of Indian Railways is (1) 9 (2) 16 (3) 17 (4) 15
Which of following is not a pseudonym? (1) Stalin (2) Ho-Chi-Minh (3) Freud (4) Pele
I need syllubus for assistant loco piolt . and pls send me question paper model. to
3 Answers KLN College of Engineering, RRB,
Which of these places was never the capital of Gangao? (a) Talkadu (b) Mukunda (c) Kolar (d) Elthanka
Which of the following statements are correct for Ohm?s Law? (1) Electric current across the conductor and the multiple of the potential difference of conductor indicate resistance (2) The ratio of potential difference of conductor and electric current across the conductor is always constant (3) If all the physical states are constant, then potential difference across the conductor is directly proportional to its passing electric current (4) If all the physical states are constant, then the potential difference across any matter which conducts electricity is inversely proportional to its flowing current
Please send me RRB Exam -Chennai previous 5 year questions and (answers if any) for the post of section engineer- Mechanical Engineering.
What makes the differences in the colour of star? (a) Speed (b) Distance (c) Temperature (d) Its natural colour
sir i want previous year RRB OPEN MARKET EXAM question paper
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