RRB Interview Questions
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Railway Recruitment Board Examination, Kolkata February 2005 Question Paper

Indian Railways, RRB,

3 24243

Railway Recruitment Board Examination, January 2005 Question Paper

CISF, CMS, HCL, Indian Institute Of Carpet Technology, RRB, Section Engineer, TCS,

71 230894

The members of a family include a man, his wife, four sons and their wives. Each son has 3 sons and 2 daughters. Find out the total number of male members of that family. (a) 9 (b) 12 (c) 17 (d) 15

3 6148

A man starts his journey from the North Pole and travels a distance of 100 kms. in one direction. Thereafter, he turns towards east and travels another 100 kms. then he turns northward and goes for another 100 kmz. How far he is now from the North Pole ? (a) 0 km (b) 100 km (c) 200 km (d) 400 km


3 6358

Two candles of the same length but different thickness are lighted simultaneously. The thicker candle is supposed to burn for six hours while the thinner one is to last for two hours less. How many hours after they are lighted, the thicker candle will be double the length of the other one ? (a) 1 hour (b) 2 hours (c) 3 hours (d) 4 hours

2 5361

In a small banquet there were, in all, 36 handshakes. How many guests were present there ? (a) 6 (b) 9 (c) 12 (d) 18

1 5036

How much data can be contained in 3 ? inch floppy ? (a) 1.2 MB (b) 2.4 MB (c) 1.4 MB (d) None of these

4 6586

Who played the leading role in Hindi film ?Devdas? directed by Bimal Roy? (a) Shah Rukh Khan (b) Moti Lal (c) Dalip Kumar (d) K.L. Sahgal

2 5714

Champion?s trophy is associated with which game ? (a) Cricket (b) Hockey (c) Football (d) Tennis

Banking, India Post, Postal Assistant Exam, Varun Motors,

10 29554

Which of the following acids is present in our stomach ? (a) Sulphuric Acid (b) Hydrochloric Acid (c) Nitric Acid (d) Picric Acid

2 5790

Carbohydrates are restored in human body as (a) Sugars (b) Starch (c) Glucose (d) Glycogen

2 5154

What does ?SIM? stand for ? (a) Signal Information Mode (b) Simple Identify Mode (c) Subscribers Identity Module (d) Selling Information Matrix

2 5063

At absolute zero (a) Water begins freezing (b) Molecular motion ceases (c) All gases become liquid (d) All of the above

3 5920

A photoelectric cell converts (a) Light energy to thermal energy (b) Light energy to sound energy (c) Light energy to electrical energy (d) Electrical energy to light energy


3 32958

Which of the following gases makes limewater milky white ? (a) Ammonia (b) CO (c) CO2 (d) Chlorine


2 5887

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Un-Answered Questions { RRB }

Sir, I am very interested in Indian railways job...... very eargent to get into it ...... pls tel me about the openings and opportunities in it........ I am electrical Engineer.i am all ready application submite on section engineer (RRB AVT NO -5/2010) Plz give me HELP .....my mobile no 09862349404 ,it is very URGENT sir PLZ ,As will as give me solution paper in EE & GK ok


pls send me RRB previous question papers. My id is ramya143frnds@gmail.com


hiii i am preparing for rrb mumbai section engineer exam .i have done B.E (C.S.E).KINDLY SEND PREVIOUS QUESTION papers to my mail at 01rupali.bagde1001@gmail.com


please send me the question paper and syllabus for asst station master post


group d second selected list out date give me detail. roll.no.:-17437316


PLS provide me latest quest. and answ. for RRB exam of J E (Electronics)


sir ,iam an B.Tech ece student applied for the post of section engineer(signal)2010 and i want to know the previous questions of this examination.so sir,please forward the model papers of the above mentioned categorie to my mail id:shriragini.k@gmail.com


Please anybody let me know whether RRB chennai will conduct JE & SSE exams next year (2017)?


Dear sir, This is my kind request can i get rrb junior engineer(Electrical) model question paper for the past2 years pls message me or contact me in the below mail id vinothkannan6@gmail.com or natraj.joseph@gmail.com pls sir this is my hummbelrequest


i want rrb qustion papers


rrb bhopal loco pilot previous year question


i request plz send me one question paper patter of previous years rrb junioe (JE) engineer for electrical and electronic enggineering also the syllabus to my mail id karblaze@gmail.com kindly send me very necessary comming dec 19 2010 i have my exam. i am waiting for your good replay


req :  rrb previous exam papers for IT technical questions


sir/mam I'm student of M.C.A.Is there any special rrb exam for P.G students.if exists what is it.


Please send RRB Ticket Examiner/ Ticket Collector previous years question papers to sek2007_it@yahoo.com