Apportion Rs 125000/- Nett loss among the partners A,B,C as
per their sharing ratios 32%,16% and the balance to C. Pass
journal entry
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what is repo and revers repo ?why they need to use in stock market ?
Q13. Journalise the following transactions: Proprietor withdrew for private use Rs.4000/- from bank and 6000/- cash. Goods Costing Rs.5000 was burnt by fire. Purchase Machinery for cash Rs.150000/- and paid Rs.2000/- on its Installation. Charge 5% Depreciation on building costing Rs.200000/- and 8% Depreciation on Furniture costing Rs.5000/-. Prepaid Salary Rs2000/- Kapil who owed us Rs20000/- become insolvent and nothing is received from his estate.
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Expand H D I
Explain valuation methods of Normal and Abnormal loss
A trader quotes an article as sales price above 30% of its cost price.While selling he allows a discount of 15%.Then what will be the profit percentage on cost price
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Hi, I have SBH interview on 28th May, I want to know which general questions will be asked and how many candidates they have called?
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