there is no question but the things is I ave MTI(mother
tongue influnce)so can you's kindly help out how to
overcome my disability.

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there is no question but the things is I ave MTI(mother tongue influnce)so can you's kindly h..

Answer / sami

Hi Lian.
Don't worry. Basically, MTI is the major problem we
experience during the Interveiw session.
To remove or eliminate the MTI factor in your
communication, you have to do different types of practices.
I suggest you to daily read any English paper for 15
minutes loudly. Repeat this execise and you will observe
the changes in your communication.
I'm not telling, it will completely remove the MTI thing in
your comm. Also, get a phonetic dictionary for yourself.
Keep it with you evertime - when you watch television, read
newspapers. Try to learn the pronunciation with the sounds
shown in the phonetic dictionary. I've also had this
problem. I was very curious to overcome and sound good.
I've done types of execises and it really helped me.

Make sure you speak slowly and read slowly and do justice
with the punctuations.
Pratice the pronunciations by understanding the sound
system of the words.
Last but not the least, you are you and no body can say you
are not you. So, be confident and be yourself.
Don't distract yourself looking at others who speaks good
English fluently.
I'm sure, if you are confident and pratice the above
exercises daily without missing it for a day like your
food. You will sound great and "WHO IS THIS MTI?" would be
your question!!!!

Is This Answer Correct ?    110 Yes 4 No

there is no question but the things is I ave MTI(mother tongue influnce)so can you's kindly h..

Answer / renny soloman

you need to continuously speak english. wherever you are of
you speak continuously then it will improve the MTI

Is This Answer Correct ?    47 Yes 15 No

there is no question but the things is I ave MTI(mother tongue influnce)so can you's kindly h..

Answer / shajan

Mr. Jimmy M.A PhD,

I appreciate your tips towards the topic. However, i think
you have to improve a lot in your written English. For ex,
In the above tips there are lots of grammatical errors.
Please do work on it.

Is This Answer Correct ?    11 Yes 3 No

there is no question but the things is I ave MTI(mother tongue influnce)so can you's kindly h..

Answer / kamal manchanda

First of all to overcome MTI( Mother Tongue Influence, we
need to know why ,ost of Indians are suffering from this
issue. When I had a word with some Voice and Accent trainer
of known International BPOs then i came to know about the
reason that its all is becuase Indian langauges doesnot
require the more expansion of mouth during prunciating the
words while in English language there is alot of
requirement of mouth to be opened to prperply prunciate the
word. So to get rid of MTI, one is requried to become
habitual of opening mouth to a bit than as used to before.
To do this arrange a rookm where u alone can get practice,
then place your's own two-three fingers in vertical
position b/w the teeeths and speak the English words. No
doubt it can be funny, cheap to anybody, but its a big idea
to overcome MTI and have a great Accent.

Is This Answer Correct ?    10 Yes 3 No

there is no question but the things is I ave MTI(mother tongue influnce)so can you's kindly h..

Answer / vignesh

really thanks sami for your comments..i follow this..i will
be back to you with the good news..

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 2 No

there is no question but the things is I ave MTI(mother tongue influnce)so can you's kindly h..

Answer / jimmy

hello im jimmy M.A. Ph.d. ;
i will give you few tips to avoide the MTI

# improve your intrest on english

# dont form the sentence in your mother tongue ( treat it
as english is english )

# Refer the words from the dictionary find the words how to
prononciate by Phonetics given next to the word

# after practice when ever your speaking in english speak
in that same manner how you was practiced

# keep on practice like this if you really afford only one
month is enough to getrid off MTI

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 0 No

there is no question but the things is I ave MTI(mother tongue influnce)so can you's kindly h..

Answer / prabhu


Sami from today i will do what all said and i will overcome
the MTI. And get back to you with good news asap.... thanks
sami for the valuable suggestion

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 0 No

there is no question but the things is I ave MTI(mother tongue influnce)so can you's kindly h..

Answer / lister

Speak in sounds with one breath..for examble...give me water...please pronounce as single one...this way you can lot of practise..will do better..

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No

there is no question but the things is I ave MTI(mother tongue influnce)so can you's kindly h..

Answer / komali


when i am prononcing words i am pronouncing correctly...but
while speking sentences i have to remove this.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 1 No

there is no question but the things is I ave MTI(mother tongue influnce)so can you's kindly h..

Answer / abin

thanks buddy thank s to you all

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 1 No

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