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FirstSource Interview Questions
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Tell me about yourself?

229 498636

Least no. when divide by 7 gives remainder 6, 6 gives 5, 5 gives 4 and so on ?

6 29603

BPO means?

21 102554

what r ur hobbies?

23 46398

tell me something abt urself?

23 42261

In call centers in general what topics they ask?

6 29477

What is the importance of computer.

56 213278

speak for 2 minutes on some topic

46 796226

tell me about what is mean call centre

10 24985

What do you mean by quality analyst in call centres ?

30 124622

If HR person asked tell me about yourself then what is the sequence points to tell him the answer

33 88634

What is BPO? Please explain in brief.

5 22945

I have only four months exp in banking field.. but i am searching for a better job.. in interview they are asking, what is the reason for changing the job so soon. the reason is to get high pay.. but if i tell like that.. they will not select i want the best answer for this.. i am keep on searching for a better job.. so please me.. right now i am getting 6000rupees in HDFC BANK.. but i am expecting above 9000rupees.. so please help me to get a good job with a good pay..

1 4292

How many rounds of interview are taken in international call center?What are they?

3 25017

how i should sell one mobile phone when interviewer will ask sell this phone to me

18 154882

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write a c program to calculate sum of digits till it reduces to a single digit using recursion


Name the methods by which output stream is controlled?


Is it cc or c in a letter?


What is ibdata1?


hi provide info about any real time requirement in health care and banking services mainframe applications. pls send immediate reply to me.


How viral load can be measured?


What are the effects of carbon on the properties of steel?


How lists is differentiated from tuples?


Explain how to define a service as rest based service in wcf?


Can class inherit from struct c#?


Can you explain the pathophysiology and symptoms of common kidney diseases such as chronic kidney disease (CKD), kidney stones, and glomerulonephritis?


How many levels of style sheets are there?


Write a c program to build a heap method using Pointer to function and pointer to structure ?


What is difference between this and super keyword?


Explain in brief web service standards?