Anybody can explain the difference between SFLCLR & SFLINZ?

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Anybody can explain the difference between SFLCLR & SFLINZ?..

Answer / guest

SFLCLR - is used to just clear the subfile
SFLINZ - is used to clear the subfile and also initialize
the subfile records with its initial values.

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Anybody can explain the difference between SFLCLR & SFLINZ?..

Answer / sivakumar y

continuation to Answers 1 & 2:

SFLINZ will be used only in case of input subfiles.

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Anybody can explain the difference between SFLCLR & SFLINZ?..

Answer / ram&

SFLCLR - is used to clear the subfile before load the
records from file .
SFLINZ - is used to clear the subfile and initialize the
defalut values .
e.g: for Numeric values '0',for Char 'blank spaces'.

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Anybody can explain the difference between SFLCLR & SFLINZ?..

Answer / lakki

SFLCLR _ clears the subfile to load records in to it

SFLINZ - initialise your records by default and display the
records in to the subfile
(it initialise the number of records depends on your SFLSIZ)

note: once u clear the subfile you can load but once u
initialise the subfile you cannot load the subfile you can
load the subfile after the SFLSIZ member greater than 1

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Anybody can explain the difference between SFLCLR & SFLINZ?..

Answer / srini

one more differance is:

To avoid session device error by using SFLINZ.

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Anybody can explain the difference between SFLCLR & SFLINZ?..

Answer / venkateshp

SFLCLR is clear the toal subfile and inactive the all
therecord and you can wrie the recors to subfile thoseare
only active

SFLINZ is just gives the deful values to the fields of all
the records of subfile and all are active this will useful
only when u showing total subfile withou data
you cant write the data to subfile once you intilize the
data untill clear the subfile

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Anybody can explain the difference between SFLCLR & SFLINZ?..

Answer / venkat

sflclr is a record level keyword on the subfile control record format .sflclr is clear the subfile before loading the records from datebase file into the subfile

sflinz:it is also a record level keyword on the subfile control record format .it also clear the subfile and initialize the some dafault values.

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