What is the difference between Domestic and international
call centre

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What is the difference between Domestic and international call centre..

Answer / roopesh

domestic ccall center is noting but the work which is done
in india is called as domestic and interntional maeans work
ben done all over the world is called as international call

Is This Answer Correct ?    166 Yes 19 No

What is the difference between Domestic and international call centre..

Answer / nitisha

Domestic call center is that where we have to handle the
client of india only while in international we have to deal
with people of all around the world.

Is This Answer Correct ?    72 Yes 8 No

What is the difference between Domestic and international call centre..

Answer / udaykumar

Yes, there is two types of Call Center i.e. Domestic &

Domestic Call Center - The Domestic Call Center Explain in
the format like the boundary of nation, means for example in
India there is a call center, in that call center the call
receive from state to state (e.g. From Chennai to
Maharashtra)OR in District to District i.e. political
boundary is call Domestic Call Center.

International Call Center - The International Call Center
Explain in the format like the out of boundary the nation,
means for example in India there is a call center, in that
call center the call receive from nation to nation (e.g.
From America to India) i.e. out of political boundary is
call International Call Center.

Is This Answer Correct ?    61 Yes 6 No

What is the difference between Domestic and international call centre..

Answer / suresh kumar

Domestic call centre is set up to provide information to
the customers within the country, where the business is
located. and it is implied to domestic companies.

International call centre is implied to MNC's.
MNC has to serve the information needs of customers

Is This Answer Correct ?    34 Yes 3 No

What is the difference between Domestic and international call centre..

Answer / santi krishna pattnaik

Domestic Call center is that where we are dealing with the
Client of India only while in international we are dealing
with people of all around the world.

Is This Answer Correct ?    32 Yes 6 No

What is the difference between Domestic and international call centre..

Answer / meenakshi

ya domestic call center means we have to deal with our
country clients and in international call center we have to
deal with all world clients

Is This Answer Correct ?    29 Yes 3 No

What is the difference between Domestic and international call centre..

Answer / raghunandan

i think there is no difference in the both as in domastic
we work with componies withein the country
Where as in intertional proces we should deal globely with
the people
In both the p;aces we should stand up to the mark of the
coustomer (quary should be solved)

Is This Answer Correct ?    40 Yes 25 No

What is the difference between Domestic and international call centre..

Answer / kapil dev verma

When the parent company dealing with customers' queries is
situated within the country where it is working, it is
called the Domestic Call Center. While,
The parent company dealing with customers' queries when is
situated in a particular country having its branches all
over the world(globally), it is called International Call

Is This Answer Correct ?    15 Yes 1 No

What is the difference between Domestic and international call centre..

Answer / priyanka

I think answer no 7 given is the best answer.explaining all
queries of the question.

Is This Answer Correct ?    15 Yes 4 No

What is the difference between Domestic and international call centre..

Answer / saurabh sharma

domestic calll centre is work in a particular area like in
a country,in a state while international call centre is not
bondered in any particular area. it can work more than one
country or can be all over the world.

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 0 No

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