i would like to know is closing stock appear in trial
balance & it appears in which side in trading a/c

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i would like to know is closing stock appear in trial balance & it appears in which side in tr..

Answer / venkatesh


in trail balance not appear closing stock and in will come
only trading a/c credit side

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i would like to know is closing stock appear in trial balance & it appears in which side in tr..

Answer / tapas

It will appear on the cr. side of Trading A/c.

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i would like to know is closing stock appear in trial balance & it appears in which side in tr..

Answer / prajakta

No Closing Stock does not appear in Trial Balance.
Further Closing Stock will appear in Credit Side of Trading

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i would like to know is closing stock appear in trial balance & it appears in which side in tr..

Answer / kcn

No Closing Stock does not appear in Trial Balance.
Further Closing Stock will appear in Credit Side of Trading

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i would like to know is closing stock appear in trial balance & it appears in which side in tr..

Answer / prajakta

Closing Stock doesnt appear in Trial Balance.
but appears in Credit Side of Trading

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i would like to know is closing stock appear in trial balance & it appears in which side in tr..

Answer / anil venna

which will be posted in credit side e

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i would like to know is closing stock appear in trial balance & it appears in which side in tr..

Answer / bharat bhushan sachdeva

Closing stock can come either in the trial balance or
outside the trail balance it depends upon the calculation of
purchase or cost of goods sold.

In first case when closing stock is the part of trial
balance then it will not be a part of trading account then
it will shown on the asset side of balance sheet

In second case when closing stock is not a part of trial
balance means it comes as adjustment with trial balance then
it comes on the credit side of trial balance and it is also
shown on the asset side of balance sheet

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i would like to know is closing stock appear in trial balance & it appears in which side in tr..

Answer / saranya

closing stock come under credit side of trading a/c , but it's not comes in trail balance, information given only in adjustment. usually adjustments given below the trail balance.

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i would like to know is closing stock appear in trial balance & it appears in which side in tr..

Answer / srinivas annavarapu

As such no body will maintain a closing stock / stock
account in ledger. Trial balance shows the ending balances
of the ledger only, hence there is no question of taking
closing stock in TB. It appears in adjustments and to be
shown on the credit side of Trading acct and in Balance
sheet under Assets.

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i would like to know is closing stock appear in trial balance & it appears in which side in tr..

Answer / shanavas

it appears in the Credit side side of the trading account.
and also appear in the Balance sheet under the head Current
Not appear in Trial Balance

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