What is the Diffrent between Redhat linux And suse linux

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What is the Diffrent between Redhat linux And suse linux..

Answer / rootuser

For software update, Redhat is using up2date or Yum like
For same purpose Suse is using Yast / Yast2

Red Hat Linux is a product of Red Hat
SuSE Linux is a product of Novell

Upto to Version 10 suse is using ReiserFS as default
Filesystem.Now they changed to ext3 as default one.

Redhat is coming with ext3 or ext2(before rhel 3 )as default
file system

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What is the Diffrent between Redhat linux And suse linux..

Answer / dalbir singh

The only difference I can think of is the administrative
Redhat uses Redhat-config-xxxx
and Suse uses Yast. Personally I prefer Yast because it has
more modules. However, both tools configure the same things
and modify the same files. If you use a tool like webmin or
Linuxconf, you won't see a bit of difference between the
two distros.

I use the Redhat Linux 8.0 Bible as my main reference, and
its instructions apply to the several different Linuxes I'm
using (more or less).

As Rick said, your main interface will be Gnome or KDE and
the only differences you'll see there is that SuSE provides
prettier eye candy (out of the box) than Redhat.

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