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NetApp Interview Questions
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Can the computer which has been used for encryption be traced?

4 10449

What is function pointer and where we will use it

2 8275

String copy logic in one line.

11 25240

String reverse with time complexity of n/2 with out using temporary variable.

10 21348

Link list in reverse order.

8 15347

Sorting entire link list using selection sort and insertion sort and calculating their time complexity

1 6702

Finding a number which was log of base 2

1 7886

Finding a number multiplication of 8 with out using arithmetic operator

8 16562

Given 1 to n distinct random number of which n+1th element was duplicated. How do find the duplicate element and explain the time complexity of the algorithm.


Given 1 to n random number, find top 10 maximum numbers and explain the time complexity of the algorithm.

1 6529

Deriving time complexity of Binary tree and AVL tree, step by step.

4 14663

How reader and writer problem was implemented and come up with effective solution for reader and writer problem in case we have n readers and 1 writer.

6 18047

How shared memory are accessed if we have two processors trying to acquire the same region.

3 16077

Why do we have serial and parallel interface, which one was faster and why and when we should go for this interface.

4 12967

Say we have three threads T1, T2 and T3 which perform sequentially one after another is their any benefit of using thread over here rather than having a single process.

11 18910

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How does a file store compare with a jdbc store? : BEA Weblogic


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Dear Engineers, Can you please advise me the material requirement to construct a room 4 M x 4 M 1. No. of Standard Brick 2. Requirement of Cement Bags 3. And Concrete for Steel, Cement, sand, etc Thanks


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What is dynamic array how is it created?


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Biologists usually refer to the head of a tapeworm by what name?


What will happen in terms of jobs losses and skills as IoT makes devices and robots more intelligent?


What is the difference between helper and library in codeigniter?


What is map in angular?