what is a zip file

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what is a zip file..

Answer / venkat from lb college waranga

Zip files are single files, sometimes called "archives",
that contain one or more compressed files. Zip files make
it easy to keep related files together and make
transporting, e-mailing, downloading and storing data and
software faster and more efficient. The Zip format is the
most popular compression format used in the Windows
environment, and WinZip is the most popular compression

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what is a zip file..

Answer / thimmappa_m

ZIP file means its a compressed file, if we compress any
file (In computer) file size will decrees. ZIP is
Compressing Software.

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what is a zip file..

Answer / sk.muzakkir

Compressed file is known as zip file.
The file which has wide data , compress the data in short
form is know as zip file

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