I am working as QA Engineer in Bangalore having around 2 yrs
of experience in manual testing. I wanted to learn
automation tool side by side which currently has value in
Can anybody suggest good automation tool to learn and
institute in Bangalore?

Thanks in advance,

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Hi, I am working as QA Engineer in Bangalore having around 2 yrs of experience in manual testing. ..

Answer / babu

this is narendra,iam learninhg software testing(QTP 9.2) in
BAngalore.Now the market is good for qtp automation tool.

i suggest u learn QTP 9.2 in ISOT institute near
BAnishankari temple.u can get good facilities and good faculty.

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Hi, I am working as QA Engineer in Bangalore having around 2 yrs of experience in manual testing. ..

Answer / df

You can go to Hyd Ameerpet.
learn QTP latest version...

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