what is qtp automation framework, what is the purpose of the
framework and which folders included in this framework pls
tell me with brief description

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what is qtp automation framework, what is the purpose of the framework and which folders included i..

Answer / bhargavi

QTP Automation frame work is a process of doing automation.
here you need to create some folders and that is called
folder structure. the structure is as below

create an automation folder in one of the drives. and then
create the below folders in that.


we just store the input data in excel sheet and save it in
Data folder.
and the scripts in scripts folder
user defined functions in library folder
if u have an recoveries just save the .qrs files in
recovery folder
and if u want to store the results just export it to HTML
file and store it into results folder

thats all
for further queries please feeel free to ask


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what is qtp automation framework, what is the purpose of the framework and which folders included i..

Answer / raju

hi Bhargavi,

Could you please elaborate about frame work I want more
details the same. what are the simulator and drive files.
what is the need of creating the drive and simulator files.

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