When a ship crosses the International Date Line from West to East it: (a) loses one-day (b) gains one day (c) gains two days
1 16899how to add cliet side event to server side? and how to register client script to sever side? wt difference these two
3 7472what is qtp automation framework, what is the purpose of the framework and which folders included in this framework pls tell me with brief description
2 7614when we will give testdata while writing testcases r during executing testcases for both positive and negative cases we give testdata
3 5207i want previous psi main exam question paper with answer in Maharashtra state.please send me on my mail id .thaks
30 61617I would like to know the job profile of Assistant Manager (systems) in SBI and career opportunities i have
12803Post New PSI Data Systems Interview Questions
Which is the best free database software?
What is the function of model attribute annotation?
Which bank comes under the category of apex banks.
How do you recognize a bad link?
What takes most time in SAP script programming?
What happens to your data when an ec2 instance is terminated?
Why are so many svchost exe running?
Can you rattle off the organizations that are dealing with the internet of things?
What is the use of @import?
Tell me what is the standard of cotton yarn count?
PLEASE HELP ANYONE ON THIS ISSUE,is there any problem with this function module :RHPQ_T77BX_ADD_QUALIS_OF_DPLAN. IT IS TRIGGERING BEFORE COMPLETION OF THE DEVELOPMENT PLAN but it has to trigger after compltion of development plan..this issue raised in my project..so reply urgently..thanks in advance..
What is ng in flume?
Which elements determine the enterprise structure for personnel administration?
What are the sources involved in aerodynamics?
Why is Servlet so popular?