How to Write user defined functions?

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How to Write user defined functions?..

Answer / jinsha

First we have to define the function and then we have to
call the function.
to define a function
integer biger(integer a,integer b)
if (a>b)
return a
return b
save the file with .inc extension as
Now to call a function
test case userfn1()
int a=10
int b=5
int c=biger(a,b)
print("{c}is greater")

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How to Write user defined functions?..

Answer / kkamalay

Hi Padmaja,
with silktest you can write user defined functions as same
as c, c++

<returntype> <functionName> (Arguments list)

Integer simpleAdd(Integer a, Integer b)
Integer c=0
return c

eg: 2

Void PrintStatement(String msg)

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How to Write user defined functions?..

Answer / suresh

USER defined function can be written as we write them in C/
the syntax:
return type functionname(list of arguments)
simple example

int sum(int a ,int b)
int sum
return sum

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