I have a doubt in writing a test case...
if suppose in a round if they ask to write a test case for
any situation such as(Search engine)... in the testcase do
we need to fill up the actual result and status Column in
the test case??(please answer i am confused)
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Answer / aashsih
no, we never write actual result. because we are in design
phase. we hvnt any actual result.and if we dont hv actual
result how can we write status
as i know
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Answer / gguest
if u r given an interview then simply write the test case
do not write actual result u simply say this is like that
etc...i think ................
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Answer / vinodh anandhan
No, You dont want to write the Actual Result. But you have
to have fill up the Expected Result. While executing the
testcases only actual result will come. Based on that we
have to decide PASS or FAIL.
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Answer / murali
U should not write the Actual Result unless u execute the
test case. So u need not write the status as well. So only
fill the Expected Result column and leave the Actual Result
and Status columns empty.
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Answer / chinki
No there is no need to write actual result,you just have to
write expected result,because you don't have actual
application to test on that time,you suppose to be imagine
it and have to write test cases.
i have also go through this process,or han do remember to
write priority and severioty also ,make a column at least.
my interviewer asked it specially about it.
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Answer / we4
don't fill actual result and status columns,because it'll
be written only after executing test case.if the question
is write a test case,then don't fill that columns
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