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Calsoft Interview Questions
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How to Test a C++ and unix application is there any automated tool available,

1 4611

How do we Test the C++ and Unix Application Using Automated Tool.


what is the challenging situation you faced in your career?

3 9821

pls write test case for google and yahoo mail page. pls any body known the answer immediatly post the answer

1 3269

write a program to check whether a given integer is a strong number or not? [Hint: 145=1!+4!+5! =1+24+120 =145]

7 32167

In bug life cycle after closing the bug status at last stage again where you start

2 5786

In a month how many times bugs will be send to your developer. 1 or 2

2 5759

we are selling a device for 6000 and the company want to replace that device with a new device which is a bit more than the prior price say 7000. how we can account this?

1 3471

I have a build in which there are 17 files, now 3 new files added, in this case what type of testing will do

6 10747

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What is xml source qualifier transformation in informatica?


write a jcl to execute a job by 7:00 am on jan 20,1986?


What is an android virtual device?


Different kinds of organizational relationships in hrms?


What is the difference between host and server?


When a user logs into ps by virtue of which security attribute does the system default users country, name format and company etc?


What are the various ways to execute a query in teradata?


Mention what are internal tables, check tables, value tables, and transparent table?


What is meant by Microsoft Azure and Azure diagnostic?


What is service host factory in wcf?


What is the spirit of ubuntu?


What is snowflaking schema ?


What is the difference among union, minus and intersect?


What does curl command do in linux?


What is side by side migration in sql server?